How to find out if the PlayStation network is down
One of the benefits of owning a PlayStation console is having access to the Sony PlayStation 4 PSN (PlayStation Network). If you are thinking about investing in a brand new PS4, having access to the network is a major selling point. For those gamers out there that have never ventured further than their X-box, the PlayStation network is a digital media entertainment service exclusively for PlayStation users. While it was originally launched for use on the console, the PSN can be accessed via PC, Blue-ray players, smartphone, tablet or Smart television.
The web-browser on the PS3 and PS4 can be used for all your online browsing, from buying groceries to playing games. In addition to the web-browser, the Sony PlayStation 4 PSN Network gives you access to a whole bunch of digital media options. Firstly, you get access to the PlayStation 4 PSN store. This is where you can download free trial games, buy full games and check out the latest gaming news. The network also gives you access to PlayStation Video. This is a cloud-based video steaming service that you can use to download, stream and rent online television programs and movies.
Network Services
If you are into music, the PlayStation 4 PSN gives you access to Vue, a music steaming service where you can stream and purchase music directly to your console. For gaming purposes, the Network also includes PlayStation Now, a cloud-based gaming service. Recently, Sony also released PlayStation plus. For PS4 users, the Plus service is essential if you are planning on playing online multiplayer games. This is the only service on the network that comes with a fee. Players can buy a 1 month, 3 month or 1 year subscription to the Plus service.
Checking the PSN Status
What you get for your subscription is access to share play, 10GB of cloud storage, online multiplayer access, 24 free games per year and discounts at the PlayStation 4 PSN Store. So as you can see, having the PlayStation Network up and running is kind of important. If you are having trouble accessing the network for any reason, you may be asking yourself is the PSN down? This is a question that has been asked countless times by countless gamers since the network was established.
There can be many reasons why you cannot connect. It may be that your router is down, your setting have been reset or you need to update your machine. If you are fairly confident in your setup at home, there is one very easy way to tell if the network is up and running. Sony have come up with a dedicated Network status web page where you can find out if anything is amiss. The Official Status checker for PlayStation is where you need to go to find out what the deal is. If only some of the Network option are running, you will be able to tell by the green mark next to the selected option. If all the options have a green mark, there will be a notice on the top of the page saying that all services are up and running. There are also a host of gaming sites that will post the status of the PSN if you happen to be browsing at the time. If you are on twitter #psndown is a good link to know.